Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chapter 19

Jenna's Statements

  • “You should be well aware of the content taught in the special areas."
    • I am in music for elementary teachers right now, and we are leaving how to support what the students are learning in music in our classroom. There are so many ways to allow students to use their artistic thinking to increase the learning within my classroom. I think this is an important aspect of teaching I did not think about before this semester.
  •        “Passing your findings along to special area teachers is very helpful so they can maximize what instructional time they have with the students."
    • This is also something that I have not thought of, but that would be extremely important in order for students to have optimal learning in their small amount of time in special areas classroom.
  • “One simple but effective way to find time together is for the classroom teacher to stay and participate in the special area class occasionally, perhaps once a month."
    • I would have never thought to try this, but I like this idea. I think it could be fun to see my students in a different environment. Obviously I would have to make sure that it is okay with the teacher, but sounds fun to me!

Courtney's Student

  • "Also, knowing details about your students' entire school day is a way to connect with students and build a strong learning community."
    • I need to know what is going on in my students' lives so if something happens and they come in one day upset I will know what is going on. Also, I can anticipate what my students will be like in my class if I know they have been doing a very active activity in one of their other classes. 
  • "Students with IEP's and 504 plans are not the only ones who have special needs. . . all students have strengths and needs when it comes to their leaning."
    • I need to keep in mind that even though a student does not have a formal, documented disability they still may be struggling in a particular area. It is important that I help all students in any way that I can.
  • "Physical education allows students to expend energy that is built up while seated at desks, provides time to work with others and learn about teamwork, and develops understanding about the importance and impact of being physically active."
    • Although some schools are moving away from physical education and the other special areas I believe that it is important that students be given the chance to be active. This allows their minds to reboot because developmentally children are not ready to be cooped up all day with little to know physical activity. 
Tori's Statements 

1. "This chapter discusses the importance of strategies for branching out beyond the four walls of your classroom to connect with all teachers and professionals in the school building to ensure that students are supported every minute of the school day." 

I really enjoyed this chapter in talking about the importance of going into special area classes. When one that does not necessarily think of inclusion students when thinking about teaching the future thinks of schedules, I know I forgot about this part and the transition it can be. While it can be a transition, the positive benefits that come from the situation of releasing the student from one single classroom are outrageous! 

2. "As a classroom teacher, it is important for you to connect with all of these special area teachers for several reasons..."

This is a thought that I have discussed in previous classes. When a general education teacher is reinforcing ideas and curriculum from special areas, it is helping the students learn new knowledge, know that the teachers are one (for behavior and attendance reasons), etc.

3. "Essentially, you will need to find as much time as possible to connect with special area teachers so everyone is made aware of student needs and consistent support can occur across settings."

I found this thought simple but intriguing. In the hustle and bustle of school, it is important that we take the time as teachers to create a bond of support for all of our students so they learn the most information as possible while also knowing we care. 

Alex's Statements:
"Some students need to be closely observed for behavior patterns in various settings."
It is important to find consistency in all areas of the child's behavior. If they are acting one way in a classroom that teaches reading, then chances are they are acting a similar way in a special areas class. If the behavior changes then the teacher needs to evaluate why that is happening. 

"Special area subjects may be areas of great strength for students."
I really liked this quote because it is important to make sure every child feels like they excel at some things. Some students will be great athletes and excel in gym. They need to be encouraged about that. Some students will be extremely gifted in music, and they need to be encouraged with that as well. 

"IN the beginning of the year, use a small notebook and start by journaling as much as you know about the student's strengths, needs, interests, likes, dislikes, and so on."
This idea was really interesting to me because it requires a lot of work for the teacher, but it is a very beneficial thing. This is something that could be passed from teacher to teacher and it would help prepare the future teachers for what they need to know about the student.